9,000 lbs Capacity Rolling Jack.
Air operated scissor-style rolling jack assembly for a drive on lift. Jacks make your four-post or scissor lift more versatile allowing the lifting of a vehicle for “wheels free” brake, suspension, and tire service. This runway jack includes rail engaging wheel assemblies that are adjustable for an inside runway width of 40 3/4″ (1035 mm) minimum to a 49 1/4″ (1251 mm) maximum.
- This jack includes two (2) truck adapters, two (2) 3″ adapter extensions, and two (2) 5″ adapter extensions.
- This jack includes (3) different sized rubber pads 1/2″, 1 1/2″, and 3″.
- Includes a latch assembly that will lock at full-rise and that is released by actuating the lock handle.
- Rolls on four (4) heavy-duty urethane compression wheels. * Actual vehicle load to be transferred to jack end section load bars engaging the roller track assembly.
RJ9100YM – Rolling Jack